50+ Vocabulary for IELTS Writing Topic Food


Vocabulary for IELTS Writing: Topic Food

Appetizing (adjective): Appealing to the appetite; tempting.

Example: The sight of the appetizing dessert spread made everyone’s mouth water.


Palatable (adjective): Pleasant to the taste; agreeable.

Example: The chef’s palatable dishes received rave reviews from the diners.


Delectable (adjective): Extremely pleasing to the senses, especially taste.

Example: The chocolate truffle cake was a delectable indulgence after the meal.


Savor (verb): To enjoy or appreciate the taste or smell of something.

Example: She took a moment to savor the rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee.


Culinary (adjective): Related to cooking or the kitchen.

Example: The culinary class taught students how to prepare gourmet dishes.


Gourmet (adjective): Involving or relating to high-quality food and drink.

Example: The restaurant is known for its gourmet menu featuring exotic ingredients.


Nutritious (adjective): Providing essential nutrients for growth and health.

Example: A balanced diet includes a variety of nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.


Vegan (noun/adjective): A person who does not consume animal products.

Example: She became vegan to support animal rights and reduce her carbon footprint.


Gluten-free (adjective): A diet that does not include gluten, often for individuals with celiac disease.

Example: The bakery offers a range of gluten-free options for customers with dietary restrictions.


Sustainable (adjective): Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the environment.

Example: Many people eat locally sourced and sustainable foods to reduce their ecological impact.


Obesity (noun): The condition of being significantly overweight.

Example: The rise in obesity rates has prompted public health initiatives to promote healthier eating habits.


Dietary (adjective): Relating to a person’s diet and nutritional habits.

Example: The doctor provided dietary recommendations to help manage the patient’s cholesterol levels.


Vocabulary for IELTS Writing: Topic Food

Ingredients (noun): The components used to make a dish.

Example: Before cooking, ensure you have all the necessary ingredients.


Cuisine (noun): A style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country or region.

Example: Italian cuisine is known for using fresh ingredients and rich flavors.


Spices (noun): Aromatic or pungent substances used to flavor food.

Example: The chef carefully selected a blend of spices to create a unique and flavorful curry.


Condiments (noun): Sauces, seasonings, or accompaniments used to enhance food flavor.

Example: Ketchup, mustard, and mayonnaise are common condiments on restaurant tables.


Exquisite (adjective): Extremely beautiful or delicate, especially about taste.

Example: The dish’s presentation was as stunning as its taste, making it a true culinary masterpiece.


Mouthwatering (adjective): Extremely appealing or appetizing.

Example: Seeing the sizzling steak on the grill was truly mouthwatering.


Aroma (noun): A distinctive, typically pleasant smell.

Example: The aroma of freshly baked bread filled the air, enticing passersby into the bakery.


Fusion (noun): The blending or merging of different culinary traditions or styles.

Example: The restaurant’s menu featured a fusion of Asian and Latin American flavors.


Simmer (verb): To cook gently over low heat.

Example: The soup needs to simmer for an hour to allow the flavors to develop.


Zesty (adjective): Full of flavor or zest; lively and appealing.

Example: The zesty lemon vinaigrette added a refreshing tang to the salad.


Mouthful (noun): An amount of food that can be taken into the mouth at once.

Example: The sandwiches were so large that each bite was a satisfying mouthful.


Appetite (noun): The desire or inclination to eat; hunger.

Example: After a long hike, our appetites were voracious, and we devoured the picnic spread.


Tender (adjective): Soft and easy to chew; cooked to a soft consistency.

Example: The slow-cooked beef was so tender that it practically melted in the mouth.


Bland (adjective): Lacking strong flavor; mild or tasteless.

Example: The bland porridge was comforting to the upset stomach.


Crispy (adjective): Having a firm and brittle texture.

Example: The fried chicken had a crispy coating that contrasted with its juicy interior.


Satisfying (adjective): Providing a sense of fullness and contentment after eating.

Example: The hearty stew was satisfying, especially on a cold winter’s day.


Seasonal (adjective): Relating to a particular season of the year.

Example: The restaurant’s menu frequently changes to highlight the best seasonal produce.


Sustainable (adjective): Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the environment.

Example: Many people eat locally sourced and sustainable foods to reduce their ecological impact.


Organic (adjective): Produced or involving production without synthetic chemicals.

Example: She prefers to buy organic fruits and vegetables to avoid pesticide exposure.


Locally-sourced (adjective): Obtained from nearby producers or suppliers.

Example: The restaurant uses locally-sourced ingredients to support the community.


Gastronomy (noun): The practice or art of choosing, cooking, and eating good food.

Example: His interest in gastronomy led him to experiment with new cooking techniques.


Mouthfeel (noun): The tactile sensations perceived when food or drink is in the mouth.

Example: The creamy texture of the ice cream provided a delightful mouthfeel.


Umami (noun): A savory or meaty taste considered one of the five basic tastes.

Example: The addition of soy sauce enhanced the umami flavor of the dish.


Crisp (adjective): Firm and quickly broken; having a pleasing crunch.

Example: The crisp apple was a refreshing snack on a hot summer day.


Hearty (adjective): Satisfying and substantial, often referring to a large and filling meal.

Example: The hearty stew was the perfect comfort food for the chilly evening.


Gobble (verb): To eat quickly and greedily.

Example: The children eagerly gobbled up the freshly baked cookies.


Indulge (verb): To allow oneself to enjoy something pleasurable, especially regarding food or drink.

Example: She indulged in a slice of decadent chocolate cake for her birthday.


Sauté (verb): To cook food quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat.

Example: Add the vegetables to the pan after sautéing the onions and garlic.


Mingle (verb): To mix or combine different ingredients or flavors.

Example: The spices mingled together to create a complex and aromatic curry.


Wholesome (adjective): Conducive to good health; nourishing.

Example: The restaurant specializes in wholesome, farm-to-table dishes.


Aromatic (adjective): Having a strong, pleasant smell.

Example: The aromatic herbs added depth and fragrance to the soup.


Fry (verb): To cook in hot oil or fat.

Example: Be careful not to over-fry the fish; it should be crispy on the outside and tender inside.


Sauteed (adjective): Cooked quickly in a small amount of oil or butter.

Example: The sauteed mushrooms were a delicious side dish.


Grill (verb): To cook food on a grate over an open flame or heat source.

Example: We plan to grill burgers and vegetables for the barbecue.


Stir-fry (verb): To cook food quickly in a small amount of oil over high heat while constantly stirring.

Example: The stir-fried vegetables retained their vibrant colors and crisp texture.


Marinate (verb): To soak food in a seasoned liquid before cooking.

Example: The chicken must marinate for at least two hours to absorb the flavors.


Bake (verb): To cook food in an oven using dry heat.

Example: She loves to bake fresh bread every weekend.


Simmer (verb): To cook food gently in liquid just below boiling point.

Example: The soup should simmer for about 20 minutes to allow the flavors to meld.


10 food-related idioms along with their meanings:

  1. Bite the bullet: To face a difficult situation bravely or to do something you don’t want to do. Example: “I didn’t want to go to the dentist, but I knew I had to bite the bullet and make an appointment.”
  2. Piece of cake: Something that is very easy to do. Example: “The math problem was a piece of cake; I solved it in a matter of seconds.”
  3. Spill the beans: To reveal a secret or disclose information that was meant to be kept hidden. Example: “She accidentally spilled the beans about the surprise party before it could be a secret.”
  4. Couch potato: A person who spends a lot of time sitting and watching television. Example: “After a long day at work, he prefers to be a couch potato and binge-watch his favorite shows.”
  5. The icing on the cake: Something that makes a good situation even better. Example: “Winning the game was great, and getting a bonus at work was the icing on the cake.”
  6. In a nutshell: In a concise and summarized manner. Example: “To explain it in a nutshell, we need to increase our sales to meet our targets.”
  7. Cool as a cucumber: To remain calm and composed even in stressful situations. Example: “Despite the chaos around her, she remained cool as a cucumber during the crisis.”
  8. Chew the fat: To have a casual and friendly conversation, often while sharing a meal. Example: “We sat around the campfire, chewing the fat and reminiscing about old times.”
  9. A piece of the pie: A share or portion of something, usually referring to profits or benefits. Example: “She worked hard on the project and deserved a fair piece of the pie.”
  10. Cry over spilled milk: To lament or be upset about something that has already happened and cannot be changed. Example: “Yes, you made a mistake, but there’s no use crying over spilled milk. Let’s focus on finding a solution.”
  11. Have your cake and eat it too: To want everything, especially when those things are contradictory or mutually exclusive. Example: “You can’t expect to work part-time and still have a high-paying job – you can’t have your cake and eat it too.”
  12. Big cheese: A person of importance or authority; someone who is influential or in charge. Example: “The CEO is the big cheese around here, making all the major decisions.”
  13. Egg on your face: To be embarrassed or feel foolish due to your own actions or mistakes. Example: “He confidently predicted the team’s victory, but after their loss, he had egg on his face.”
  14. Salad days: A period of youth or inexperience, often characterized by idealism or naivety. Example: “During her salad days, she believed she could change the world with her art.”
  15. Sour grapes: To disparage something that one desires but cannot have, often by pretending it is less desirable. Example: “After not getting the promotion, he claimed he didn’t want it anyway – that’s just sour grapes.”

Using these idioms in your writing or conversation can make your language more colorful and engaging. Remember to practice incorporating them naturally to enhance your language skills.

