Writing Task 2 The best way to discourage smoking is to make it illegal in public places


This essay is about The best way to discourage smoking is to make it illegal in public places.

IELTS Writing Task 2/ IELTS Essay:

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.


Write about the following topic: Some people say that the best way to discourage smoking is to make smoking illegal in public places. Other people say that this is not enough, and that other measures are needed.

Discuss both these views and give your opinion. Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.


Model Answer 1: The best way to discourage smoking is to make it illegal in public places

Some people opine that making smoking illegal in public spaces constitutes the most effective approach while others advocate for additional measures. This essay will examine both perspectives. However, I believe that while banning smoking in public places is a step in the right direction, additional measures are imperative to effectively discourage people from smoking.

Advocates for making smoking illegal in public places argue that such measures protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke. Prohibiting smoking in public areas, such as parks and restaurants, not only reduces exposure to passive smoke but also diminishes the normalization of smoking behaviors. Thus they believe that if people can not smoke in public places, they would be dissuaded from continuing this habit. For instance, countries that have implemented strict smoking bans in public spaces have witnessed a decline in smoking rates, and it suggests that such measures play a role in discouraging the habit.


Contrarily, others argue that solely banning smoking in public areas may not be adequate to address the multifaceted issue of smoking addiction. They advocate for comprehensive anti-smoking strategies that encompass educational campaigns, increased taxation on tobacco products, and accessible cessation programmes. For instance, educational initiatives that highlight the health risks associated with smoking can dissuade potential smokers and encourage current smokers to quit. Moreover, raising taxes on tobacco products has been shown to reduce consumption, particularly among price-sensitive demographics.

In conclusion, while banning smoking in public spaces is a commendable measure, it is insufficient on its own to effectively discourage smoking. Comprehensive anti-smoking strategies encompassing education and taxation are essential for combating the multifaceted challenges posed by smoking addiction.

Model Answer 2: The best way to discourage smoking is to make it illegal in public places

In recent years, there has been a growing debate regarding the most effective strategies to discourage smoking. While some argue that making smoking illegal in public places is the key to reducing tobacco consumption, others contend that additional measures are necessary. In this essay, both perspectives will be examined before presenting my own viewpoint on the matter.


Advocates of making smoking illegal in public places argue that such a measure would serve as a powerful deterrent, discouraging individuals from smoking in shared spaces. They posit that the inconvenience of having to find private areas to smoke would prompt smokers to reconsider their habit. Moreover, supporters argue that this approach protects non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke, promoting a healthier environment for all.

However, opponents of a blanket ban on smoking in public places contend that it may not be sufficient to address the root causes of smoking addiction. Merely restricting the act in certain areas does not eliminate the demand for tobacco products. They suggest that a more comprehensive approach, including public awareness campaigns, smoking cessation programs, and stricter regulations on tobacco sales, is needed to tackle the issue at its core.


In my opinion, a combination of measures is the most effective way to discourage smoking. While making smoking illegal in public places is a step in the right direction, it should be complemented by educational initiatives and support systems for those trying to quit. For instance, countries that have successfully reduced smoking rates often employ a multifaceted approach, combining legislation with public health campaigns to raise awareness about the dangers of smoking.

In conclusion, while banning smoking in public places can contribute to discouraging the habit, it is not a standalone solution. A comprehensive strategy that includes public awareness, cessation programs, and strict regulations is necessary to address the complex nature of smoking addiction. By adopting such a multifaceted approach, societies can hope to create an environment that encourages individuals to quit smoking and discourages others from starting in the first place.


Q1: What is the proposed solution to discourage smoking according to some people?

Some people propose making smoking illegal in public places as the best way to discourage smoking.

Q2: Why do advocates of banning smoking in public places believe it is effective?

Advocates believe that making smoking illegal in public places serves as a strong deterrent, prompting smokers to reconsider their habit. It also aims to protect non-smokers from the harmful effects of secondhand smoke.

Q3: What do opponents argue against the idea of making smoking illegal in public places?

Opponents argue that a blanket ban may not address the root causes of smoking addiction and that additional measures are necessary to eliminate the demand for tobacco products.

Q4: What other measures do opponents suggest to complement banning smoking in public places?

Opponents suggest a comprehensive approach, including public awareness campaigns, smoking cessation programs, and stricter regulations on tobacco sales, to tackle smoking addiction at its core.


Q5: What is the suggested opinion in the essay regarding the effectiveness of banning smoking in public places alone?

The suggested opinion in the essay is that a combination of measures, including making smoking illegal in public places, educational initiatives, and support systems for quitting, is the most effective way to discourage smoking.

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