Dialogue about the uses and abuses of mobile phone (SSC 2023)


Dialogue about the uses and abuses of mobile phone (SSC 2023)

A dialogue between Sujon and Hasib about the uses and abuses of mobile phone

Sujon: Hi Hasib, do you think mobile phones are more useful or more harmful to our daily lives?

Hasib: Well, I think they can be both. They are definitely useful for staying connected with friends and family, and for accessing information quickly.


Sujon: Yes, that’s true. But sometimes, people spend too much time on their phones and ignore the people and things around them.

Hasib: Absolutely. Excessive use of mobile phones can lead to addiction, which can negatively affect a person’s relationships, productivity, and mental health.

Sujon: And what about the negative effects of radiation from mobile phones?

Hasib: There is still debate about the health risks of mobile phone radiation, but it’s important to be cautious and minimize exposure when possible.


Sujon: So, it seems like we need to be aware of the potential downsides of mobile phone use while still taking advantage of the many benefits they offer.

Hasib: Yes, I think it’s about finding a balance and using our mobile phones in a responsible way.

Sujon: Agreed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Hasib.


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A dialogue between Sujon and Hasib about the uses and abuses of mobile phone

Sujon: Hey Hasib, what do you think about mobile phones?

Hasib: I think they’re pretty useful, but people can abuse them too.


Sujon: What do you mean by that?

Hasib: Well, mobile phones are great for staying in touch with friends and family, getting directions, and finding information quickly. But some people use them too much, which can be a problem.

Sujon: Yeah, I know what you mean. Some people are always on their phones, even when they’re supposed to be paying attention to something else.

Hasib: Exactly. And there are other problems too. Some people use their phones to harass others, or to cheat on exams. And there’s the issue of distracted driving, which can be really dangerous.


Sujon: That’s true. But I think it all comes down to how we use our phones. If we’re responsible and use them for good purposes, then they can be really helpful.

Hasib: Yeah, I agree. It’s all about balance. We just need to make sure we’re not letting our phones control our lives, and that we’re using them in ways that are respectful and safe.

Uses and abuses of mobile phone dialogue class 10

Sujon: Hi Hasib, do you think mobile phones are more useful or harmful?

Hasib: I think they can be both. On one hand, mobile phones are very useful for staying connected with friends and family, accessing information, and getting work done on-the-go. But on the other hand, they can also be addictive and distract us from the present moment.


Sujon: I agree. I think it’s important to find a balance between using our phones for practical purposes and not letting them control our lives.

Hasib: Definitely. For example, we can set limits on our phone usage, such as not checking our phones during meals or before bed. We can also prioritize face-to-face interactions with people instead of always relying on our phones for communication.

Sujon: That’s a good point. It’s also important to be mindful of our surroundings when we use our phones, such as not using them while driving or walking on a busy street.

Hasib: Absolutely. Overall, I think mobile phones are a powerful tool that can enhance our lives, but we need to be responsible in how we use them and not let them become a negative influence.


Uses and abuses of mobile phone dialogue for hsc

Sujon: Hey Hasib, how’s it going?

Hasib: Good, thanks. What’s up?

Sujon: I was just thinking about how much we rely on our mobile phones these days.

Hasib: Yeah, it’s crazy. But they are really useful.


Sujon: That’s true. They can do so much, like calling, texting, browsing the internet, and taking photos.

Hasib: And we can use them for work, too. Like checking emails, scheduling meetings, and accessing important documents.

Sujon: But sometimes I feel like we rely on them too much. It’s like we can’t go anywhere without them.

Hasib: I know what you mean. And some people use them inappropriately, like texting while driving or using them in movie theaters.


Sujon: Yeah, that’s really annoying. And I’ve heard that some people even use them to cheat on exams.

Hasib: That’s not cool at all. And some people are addicted to them, spending hours scrolling through social media or playing games.

Sujon: It’s definitely a double-edged sword. They can be really helpful, but we need to be mindful of how we use them.

Hasib: Exactly. We need to use them responsibly and not let them take over our lives.


Sujon: Agreed. It’s all about finding the right balance.

Mobile phone dialogue for class 7

Dialogue about the uses and abuses of mobile phone (SSC 2023)

Sujon: Hi Hasib, how are you doing?

Hasib: I’m good, Sujon. What’s up?

Sujon: I wanted to talk to you about the uses and abuses of mobile phones. What do you think?


Hasib: I think mobile phones are really useful. We can use them to call or text our friends and family, check the news, and even use different apps for entertainment or productivity.

Sujon: Yes, you’re right. But sometimes people abuse their mobile phones by using them too much, especially when they’re driving or in social situations.

Hasib: That’s true. Some people can’t put their phones down even when they’re with friends or family. They’re always checking social media or playing games.

Sujon: And it’s not just a problem in social situations. Some people can’t stop using their phones even when they’re at work or in class. It can be really distracting and disrespectful to others.


Hasib: That’s a good point. But we shouldn’t blame the technology itself. It’s up to us to use our phones responsibly and to be mindful of others around us.

Sujon: I agree. We should use our phones for their intended purposes and not let them take over our lives. Thanks for the chat, Hasib.

Hasib: No problem, Sujon. It’s always good to talk about these things.

Dialogue uses and abuses of mobile phone class 6

Sujon: Hi Hasib, how are you doing?


Hasib: I’m doing well, thanks. How about you?

Sujon: I’m good too. Listen, I wanted to talk to you about something. What do you think about mobile phones? Do you think they’re more useful or harmful?

Hasib: Hmm, that’s a good question. I think they can be both useful and harmful, depending on how we use them.

Sujon: Yeah, that’s true. On the one hand, mobile phones can be really helpful for staying connected with friends and family, and for getting important information quickly.


Hasib: Definitely. And they can also be useful for work, like checking email or managing tasks.

Sujon: Right. But on the other hand, they can also be really distracting and addictive. People can spend hours scrolling through social media or playing games, which can be a big waste of time.

Hasib: Yeah, and there’s also the issue of privacy and security. With all the personal information we store on our phones, it’s important to be careful about who we share it with.

Sujon: That’s true. And there’s also the physical health aspect to consider. Using phones for extended periods of time can cause eye strain and other health problems.


Hasib: Definitely. So, overall, I think it’s important to use mobile phones in moderation, and to be mindful of how we’re using them.

Sujon: I agree. It’s all about finding a balance between the benefits and the risks. Thanks for talking with me about this, Hasib.

Hasib: No problem, it was good to chat with you.

 Dialogue uses and abuses of mobile phone class SSC

Sujon: Hi Hasib, how are you?


Hasib: Hey Sujon, I’m good, thanks. How about you?

Sujon: I’m doing well too. Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something. What do you think about the uses and abuses of mobile phones?

Hasib: Hmm, that’s an interesting topic. Well, there are definitely a lot of uses for mobile phones. They allow us to stay connected with friends and family, access information on the internet, and even work remotely.

Sujon: Yeah, that’s true. But what about the abuses of mobile phones? Don’t you think they can be a distraction and even addictive?


Hasib: Absolutely. With so many apps and social media platforms available, it’s easy to get sucked into spending hours on our phones each day. This can lead to a lack of productivity and even affect our mental health.

Sujon: That’s a good point. And what about the negative effects on our physical health? Holding our phones for extended periods of time can cause problems like neck and back pain, as well as eye strain.

Hasib: Right. Plus, there are also concerns about the radiation emitted by mobile phones and the potential long-term health effects of that.

Sujon: Yes, that’s definitely something to consider. Overall, I think it’s important to find a balance with our use of mobile phones, so that we can reap the benefits while minimizing the negative effects.


Hasib: I agree. It’s up to us to be responsible and mindful about our mobile phone use.
